2015 Canada China Finance Forum

On November 8, 2014, Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper and Prime Minister of China, Keqiang Li announced the year 2015 -2016 as the Year of Cultural Exchanges between China and Canada during his visit to China. Committed to serving the event, Canadian Chinese Finance Association, together with Alternative Investment Management Association, Association of Canadian Chinese Entrepreneur, financial institutions, and social agencies, etc are going to hold 2015 Canada China Finance Forum in July 8, 2015 at TMX Gallery, The Exchange Tower, 130 King Street West Toronto.

The Forum will bring together senior public and private business leaders to offer a strong focus on increasing investment and trade between the two countries. Attendees will benefit from discovering favourable cross-border opportunities, developing new business relationships, and access to the economic insights of today’s thought leaders in Canada-China investment and trade relations.

Featured speakers will include topics on

  • Canadian and Chinese Bank Cross Border Strategies
  • Canadian fund investment strategies in China
  • Merger and Acquisition in Canada — Opportunities for Chinese Companies and Investors

While China is Canada’s second largest trading partner, there remains tremendous potential in generating sustainable economic development and growth. By taking advantage of this already established relationship ‒ the Forum will provide a powerful platform to advancing increased investment and trade in both countries.

The 2015 Canada China Finance Forum will take place in downtown Toronto.  It is expected many guests, including high-ranking officials from all levels of government and business leaders from financial services and other industries, will attend this preeminent event.

We would be honoured to have your presence and/or be our partners or sponsors for this important event.  Please kindly RSVP with us for event registration.  Thanks for your attention.

If you would like to be a sponsor, we are still accepting sponsorship at various levels. Please contact us at ccfsummit@outlook.com

For group ticket discount, ticket promotion, off-line ticket sale, please also contact us at ccfsummit@outlook.com

Summit Agenda –

8:30-9:00       Opening Ceremony

9:00-9:45       Panel Discussion: Canadian and Chinese Bank Cross Border Strategies

9:45-10:30     RMB International Settlement and Perspective from the Canadian Banking Supervision

10:30-11:00   Coffee Break

11:00-11:45   Outlook of Global Commodities Price – Impact and Opportunities for Canadian and Chinese Companies and Investors

12:00-1:30     Lunch (buffet)

1:30-2:15       Wealth Management Investment Strategies

2:15-3:00       Merger and Acquisition in Canada — Opportunities for Chinese Companies and Investors

3:00-3:30       Coffee Break

3:30-4:15       Panel Discussion: Merging Canadian Technologies with Chinese Markets

4:15-6:00       Networking Session: Cocktail Reception

Organizing Party:

Canadian Chinese Finance Association (CCFA)

Title Sponsor:


Supporting Partners:

Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), TFSA (Center of Excellence), China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)-Representative office in Canada, Association of Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurs(ACCE), Synchronycs Consulting, GoldenMount Investment International, Fameweekly.

Confirmed Speakers from: 

Scotia Bank, Toronto Stock Exchange, BMO, China Construction Bank, Manulife, GoldenMount, CPPIB, Ontario technology department, TFSA, AIMA, ICBC, Bank of China (Canada)

Supported by:

Chinese Consul Toronto, BEIJING FINANCE BUREAU

Organizing Committee members:

Dianna Zhang(Chair, President of CCFA), Godwin Chan(Advisor), Daju Gu(TMX), Houben Huang(BMO), Jessie Huang(BMO), Ti Wang (RBC), Hong Xie (Manulife), Xiaobo Wang(Scotia), Bob Guo (GoldenMount), Harry Wang(Media), Yong Wang(China Everbright Securities), Joe Lu (QuanTran Investment), Michael Wang (Manulife), Irwin Li(ACCE), Krunoslav Perkovic (Synchronycs), Peter Zhang(Gowlings)

一、 会议时间:

加中金融投资论坛(Canada China Finance Forum)

时间 Time:2015 年 7 月 8 日

地点 Location:多伦多交易所(Downtown)

TMX Gallery, The Exchange Tower, 130 King Street West Toronto

Registration link : http://www.eventbrite.com/e/2015-canada-china-finance-forum-2015-tickets-17122356429

Tickets are limited, early registration is recommended.

Early bird ends: 6月20日

二、 会议主题:


(Canada and China Investment and Economic Outlook for Canada and China)

三、  会议日程安排:

8:30-9:00                开幕仪式

9:00-9:45                主题一:  加中两国银行的跨国战略

Chinese Bank in Canada and Canadian Bank in China investment strategies

 9:45-10:30              主题二:人民币国际化过程和走势

 RMB International Settlement Opportunity and impact

 10:30-11:00            茶歇

 11:00-11:45            主题三:加中经济形势,矿产和大宗贸易走势

 Outlook for Global Commodity Price –the Impact of Canada and China

 12:00-1:30              午餐:  主讲嘉宾财政部部长 Joe Oliver

 1:30-2:15                主题四:加拿大基金在中国的投资战略

 Canada Pension fund investment strategy in China

 2:15-3:00                主题五:中国企业在加拿大的收购与兼并

Chinese company merge and acquisition in Canada

3:00-3:30                茶歇

3:30-4:15                主题六:  科技领域投资战略分析

Investment strategy analysis in science and technology industry

4:15-6:00                社交酒会


加中金融协会- Canadian Chinese Finance Association (CCFA)


      TMX 集团


另类投资管理协会(AIMA), 多伦多金融服务教育中心(TFSA), 中国国际贸易促进委员会驻加拿大代表处(CPPIT Canada),  Synchronycs 咨询服务公司, 金山国际资本,   创业协进会(ACCE), 名人名商周刊 , 澳意国际


多伦多证券交易中心,丰业银行, 满地可银行, 皇家银行

PDF Download: 2015加中金融投资论坛

July 30, 2019

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