IFRS Updates – 2012 Vancouver

Dear CCPAA Members:

CCPAA is pleased to invite you for its upcoming “IFRS Updates” seminar on Friday November 16, 2012 presented by MacKay LLP Chartered Accountants. This seminar will provide you with a summary of common issues for the year one IFRS adoption and new pronouncements effective on or after January 1, 2013. Please RSVP by Monday November 12, 2012 by email to bc@ccpaa.ca or call 604-719-5575.

When: Friday November 16, 2012

Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Where: MacKay LLP Chartered Accountant

Suite 1100, 1177 West Hastings Street

Vancouver, B C, V6E 4T5

Presenter: Keith Gagnon, CA, Partner, MacKay

Diana Huang, CGA, CPA, Senior Manager, MacKay


1. Common mistakes in year one IFRS adoption

2. New pronouncements

a. IFRS 9 Financial Instruments – effect for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2015.

b. IFRS10 Consolidated Financial Statements – Jan 1, 2013.

c. IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements – Jan 1, 2013 – significant changes from IAS 31 and SIC 13

d. IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in other Entities – Jan 1, 2013

e. IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements – Jan 1, 2013

f. IAS28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures – Jan 1, 2013

Fees: Free for CCPAA member, $5/guest

Other: Maximum limit of space: 20 seats

July 30, 2019

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