Canadian-Chinese Professional Accountants Association (CCPAA) is going to hold an Excel workshop on Saturday, April 6, 2019.
Seminar Overview
This seminar is designed for participants who wish to enhance Excel skills necessary in the workplace, get up to speed and obtain tips for advanced functionalities and the latest features. In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to explore what Excel can really do for you and participate in the practical case study and discussion. The four-hour seminar will help you sharpen your Excel knowledge and skills into the tools you need to resolve your problems that had bothered you for years.
Excel Seminar Contents
Advanced Excel Formula Application in Real Life Work
- Match Function
- Index Function
- Offset Function
- Indirect Function
- Real Life Case Exercise
Seminar Framework
Date & Time: 1:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm, Saturday April 06, 2019
Location: O.I.S.E (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) Room 5250
252 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1V6.
1:00 pm ~ 1:30 pm – Registration
1:30 pm ~ 3:00 pm – Session 1
3:00 pm ~ 3:15pm – Break
3:15 pm ~ 4:30 pm – Session 2
4:30 pm ~ 5:00 pm – Q&A & Networking
Seminar Enrollment Requirement:
- Be familiar with Excel basic skills;
- Please bring your own laptop because you are going to do the hands-on practice;
- Please provide your contact email address when you register which will be used to provide the training materials for the workshop in advance.
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
- CPD Credit: 3 hours
- Seat limitation and enrolment: maximum 80 persons; First-come, first-served basis
- Fee: CCPAA Member: $45/person; Non-Member: $65/person
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David Wang, CPA, CMA
Financial Controller, Excel Instructor
David is a Financial Controller of a Canadian private corporation. David has over 12 years of experience in various aspects of finance and accounting, including financial reporting, FP&A, controlling, ERP implementation and business intelligence. David is also an Excel instructor of Advanced Excel, Excel Modelling and Excel VBA Programming for over 8 years. From small medium to large sized corporations, from public sector to private companies, from financial service industry to manufacturing, hundreds of young business professionals obtained Excel training from David.
David holds his Chartered Professional Accountant (2016) and Certified Management Accountant (2010). David also has MBA degree from Schulich School of Business, York University.
Established in 2008 in Ontario, the Canadian-Chinese Professional Accounting Association® (CCPAA) is an independent and not-for-profit organization of professionals and scholars who are of Chinese origin and work in accounting, auditing and taxation or the related areas, including public accounting, banking, investment, insurance, education institutions, government agencies, etc. Our mission is to enhance communication in research, education, regulation and business practices of accounting, auditing, finance, taxation and the related areas between Canada and China.
Our objectives are (1) to facilitate career and professional development of members in the accounting industry; (2) to provide opportunities for networking and enhance interaction among professional accountants in Canada and China; (3) to encourage members to understand the accounting, auditing, taxation and finance systems in both Canada and China.
Visit www.ccpaa.ca for more information.