CCPAA CPA Info Session & Chinese New Year’s Celebration

CCPAA CPA Info Session & Chinese New Year’s Celebration

Admission: Free

Date: Feb.10 2018

Time: 2:00PM – 4:30PM

Refreshment will be provided

Venue: 105 Gibson Drive, Room 101, Markham, ON L3R 3K7


Canadian-Chinese Professional Accountants Association (CCPAA) is going to unite with Charted Professional Accountant (CPA Ontario) to hold a seminar on CPA career development on Saturday Feb 10, 2018.

Seminar Overview
This Seminar is designed for participants who wish to accomplish the CPA designation in the future. In this seminar you will have chance to talk with CPA representatives face to face and understand the study program and career path. Within 3 hours, participants will be shared with information, professional experiences and career development advice with CPAs.

What you can expect from this seminar:

  • Networking with successful CPAs
  • Career planning tips
  • Guidance from CPA Ontario experts on taking your first step to the CPA designation



Carmen Jacques

CPA Ontario Student Recruitment

Carmen Jacques is responsible for educating and mentoring prospects and organizations about the value of the new Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation. Specifically, Carmen is a key point of contact to recruit individuals in Ontario currently in the Post-Secondary, Workforce, Internationally Educated Professionals / Newcomers and Employer market segments. During this period, experience and navigate huge amounts of change from legislative, regulatory, resources and daily processes on a regular basis due to the historical moment of the unification of CA, CMA & CGA regulatory accounting bodies in Ontario, becoming Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA Ontario).


Mercury Ma


Mercury Ma, CPA, completed the CFE in May 2016 and received his CPA designation in April 2017. Mercury is the President of DeRUCCI Toronto, an international furniture franchise chain, where he oversees the brand’s overall operations in Ontario. Mercury’s previous experience included Deloitte Consulting, BMO Finance and BMO Enterprise Risk Management. Mercury also helped more than 100 CPA candidates to pass their CFE exam and coached many young professionals to start their career in the financial industry.


David Gao


David Gao, CPA, CA has successfully passed the first CPA CFE after unification in 2015. He is also a CFE mentor at EY. Prior to his Manager role in TAS, David worked in the Assurance practice of EY for 3 years, where he developed expertise in assurance by working for various clients over diverse industries. Prior to working full-time, David was also actively involved in teaching and education by being a Lead Teaching Assistant for several accounting courses at University of Toronto.


  • Language: English
  • Refreshment will be provided
  • No drop-in
  • PD Hour: n/a

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