
CCPAA-ON为大家带来Outlook 实用技巧 Workshop。本次Online Workshop为中文讲解。主讲人Gabriella将为大家分享用Outlook高效处理邮件,提高工作效率的硬核技能。相信本次workshop分享的实用技巧能帮助大家化繁为简,节约宝贵的时间精力。



Gabriella Lu

Finance professional at Brookfield

Gabriella is an investment finance professional with 5 years of working experience in various financial institutions in Canada. She is currently working at Brookfield in the private market departments. She leads process improvement projects in the middle office and develops practical skills across different reporting and asset management functional software.

Gabriella holds a Master of Finance from Smith School of Business, Queens University, and a Bachelor of Accounting from Brock University.



日期: 2022年8月4日,星期四(加东时间)

时间: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm (加东时间)

活动形式: 线上(Online Webinar)

活动语言: 中文

费用: 会员: 免费; 非会员: $15

CPD Credit: 1小时

人数: 80人

会员注册: 登录CCPAA官网,在 “My Seminar”中注册

非会员注册:  https://ccpaa.ca/course/webinar-excel-workshop/ 或点击文末阅读原文


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